The Healing Power of Art: Through the prism of creativity, negative energy is transformed into positive energy.
Hancock Park Elementary School, 75th Anniversary, October 20, 2012 Photography by D. Gillman
Erev Yom Kippur, September 26, 2012 with Cantor Estherleon Photography by J. Pasqual Bettio, F.R.P.S.
Gallery Exhibit at PLB Activities Center, September 11, 2011 Photography by Sylvie Brousseau
"The Statue of Liberty Cries a Red, White & Blue Tear", 14" x 20", acrylic on paper
Book Signing, January 2012 "The Painter's Dream" by Debora Gillman "Drawing from the Masters" " " "An Un-bear-able Situation" by Miriam & Debora Gillman Photography by J. Pasqual Bettio, F.R. P.S